NDIS Service Agreement

Client Details

Consent to Share Information

Please include contact details for these people

Photography & Video Consent

Feedback & Complaints

Incident Management

Schedule of Supports

Agency and Plan Managed NDIS Participants

The hourly rate for face-to-face occupational therapy services and non-face-to-face occupational therapy services for agency and plan managed NDIS participants (including telehealth, reporting, session planning, clinical notes, travel, sourcing equipment, client-related research, emails, phone calls and team collaboration) is $193.99. We charge for all face-to-face and non-face-to-face occupational therapy services. In the event of an NDIS benchmark price change, our hourly rate may also change. You'll be provided with notice as detailed in the Service Agreement. 

Self-Managed NDIS Participants

The hourly rate for face-to-face occupational therapy services and non-face-to-face occupational therapy services for self-managed NDIS participants (including telehealth, reporting, clinical note taking, session planning, travel, sourcing equipment, client-related research, emails, phone calls and team collaboration) is $230. We charge for all face-to-face and non-face-to-face occupational therapy services. 

The difference in prices explained

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has not increased benchmark prices for occupational therapy services since 2019, despite the rising costs of running a business. While we are unable to change the rates for agency and plan managed clients, we have an increased rate for self-managed clients to reflect the quality of our service provision and the costs associated with running an allied health business.

Provider travel – non labour costs’ will be charged in addition to the amounts noted above. This includes the cost of TOLLS, public transport fares and parking tickets incurred while delivering supports for you. It also includes $0.99 for every kilometre travelled while delivering supports to you.



Be You Occupational Therapy Pty Ltd will seek payment for the provision of supports. Supports will only be provided if invoices have been paid on time. If the client has outstanding invoices, supports will be cancelled and may only resume when outstanding invoices have been paid. 

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